In addition, if you're the first company to contact your leads, not your competitors, you can increase your conversion rate by 238%. Email Marketing and Live Chat 3 sauce But how does live chat make that happen? Follow up quickly with live chat, especially chatbots. With email, you're less likely to follow up in 60 seconds. Could you? yes. Is there a possibility? Probably not.
In fact, live chat personnel are ghost mannequin effect service so helpful that 44% of online consumers say that having them answer questions quickly is one of the key features a website needs to offer. thinking about. People love your product and have questions about it, so we're asking you to follow up. If you can answer their question, you will probably sell. If not, look again at your email conversion rate.
However, the possibility of immediate response is also dangerous if the current infrastructure is in place. For example, with email, you can spend time doing the following: Find out the correct information your customers are looking for. For example, if you have a knowledge base or long blog that you can link to, it's much easier to do that by email than in live chat.
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